Lakeview Annual Congregational Meeting
All members of Lakeview are encouraged to attend our annual congregational meeting on Sunday, January 26, 2025 following worship. We’ll elect new Council members to lead our congregation, hear reports from our Council president, approve a budget for, and make other decisions to lead us into 2025.
Check out the December worship schedule on the front page of this month’s ECHO.
Our theme for this year’s stewardship campaign is “Forward Together.” This theme highlights not just our newly created partnership with each other as communities of faith, but also how we join together as disciples to care for all of the blessings we have received and the joy that comes from sharing the mission and ministry of the church.
Friends in Christ,
As we begin our journey into the fall season, I think most of you know that means we will take some time to be intentional in our worship and conversations about stewardship. This is an exciting opportunity to take a little bit different approach in our newfound partnership with each other. We plan on exploring what stewardship means for us, not just as individuals and individual congregations, but as a larger collaborative community of faith with an expanded sense of mission and ministry.
Our theme for this year’s stewardship campaign is “Forward Together.” This theme highlights not just our newly created partnership with each other as communities of faith, but also how we join together as disciples to care for all of the blessings we have received and the joy that comes from sharing the mission and ministry of the church. It is also reflective of our understanding that we are never alone… that our brothers and sisters in Christ walk with us, and that God is always present in our midst.
Grace and Peace, Pastors Jon and Mike
Lakeview will continue to collect school supplies through September for the students at Weaver Elementary School. Please help students have the things they need to ensure a positive learning experience. Look on page one of the ECHO for the supply list.
Lakeview National Night Out – August 6
We welcome our neighbors to our parking lot for our National Night Out with free food, bounce house, face painting, root beer floats, games and activities for all ages and opportunities for conversation and community. Come and meet Police, EMTs, Fire Fighters and Community Leaders.
We welcome our neighbors to our parking lot for classic cars, free food with Ken’s famous pulled pork sandwiches and beans, hot dogs for the kids, Floyd’s Mini Donuts & Shaved Ice (Food Truck) for purchasing, bounce house, games, face painting, activities for all ages and opportunities for conversation and community.
Remember the Worship Time Change This Summer!!!!
Our worship time will be 10:30 am on Sunday mornings!! We will have coffee hour before worship, beginning at 9:45 am.
This begins on June 2nd and runs through September 1st. (We may have an outdoor service in August…we’ll keep you posted).
In this month’s issue:
A good question to ask during Holy Week! So why was Jesus treated so wickedly and eventually crucified in such a cruel and torturous manner?
Almost all of the month of March will be spent in the Lenten season. We will explore our Lutheran understanding of the work of the Holy Spirit in our world using Luther’s explanation of the 3rd Article of the Apostles’ Creed. You will be able to listen to several different approaches to this topic.
Share ‘the LOVE’ this Valentine’s Day with Lakeview Lutheran Church members who are unable to worship with us on Sunday morning. Purchase or make cards and bring them to worship on February 11 to write personalized messages during coffee hour to the members and smiles we miss.
Lakeview Annual Congregational Meeting
All members of Lakeview are encouraged to attend our annual congregational meeting on Sunday, January 28 after worship. We’ll elect new Council members to lead our congregation, hear reports from our Council president, approve a budget for 2024, and make other decisions to lead us into 2024.
2023 Lakeview Lutheran Church Christmas Program – “Star of Wonder” on December 17 at 9:30 AM
Together as a congregation, we will celebrate the birth of Jesus – OUR Star of Wonder! While there will be NO costumes this year, your active participation in the songs, recitations and group readings will be essential! Please invite family, friends and neighbors to join us.
There will also be a Star-making activity after church services on December 10 to prepare for this festive program. We hope to give everyone in attendance a Star-Wand.
All Saints Sunday: November 5
We will gather for our All Saints Sunday on November 5. All Lakeview members are encouraged to invite someone they have missed seeing at church. Anyone who has experienced loss, both recently or in the past, is invited to the worship service, which will include lighting candles and remembering all those who have died recently.
The Sandwich Project is October 1st. We need volunteers to stay after worship to help make sandwiches. We need help to make this effort possible. We hope you will stay following worship/coffee hour.
Upcoming: “God’s Work. Our Hands.” Sunday
Lakeview will again be serving on “God’s Work. Our Hands.” Sunday on September 10. This day is an opportunity to celebrate who we are as the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America – one church, freed in Christ to serve and love our neighbor. Join us following worship on September 10th.
Join us for our National Night Out on August 1. Meet Police, EMTs, Fire Fighters and Community Leaders. There will be a Bounce House, Cornhole and Football Challenges with awards and a Hot Dog Bar with Root Beer Floats. Come and join the fun!
Don’t forget to mark your calendars for our upcoming Neighbor Nights. On July 11 there will be a Classic Car Show with a bounce house, games and smoked pork sandwiches. August 1 is National Night Out where you can meet Police, EMTs, Fire Fighters and Community Leaders. There will be a Bounce House, Cornhole and Football Challenges with awards and a hot dog bar with root beer floats. Both nights are from 5:30 to 7:30 pm. Invite your friends and neighbors.
Pentecost Sunday
Sunday, May 28th will be a day of celebration! We will celebrate the birth of the church.
Pentecost Day is the culmination of the 50 days of Easter. It commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles and other followers of Jesus Christ while they were in Jerusalem celebrating the Feast of Weeks. This important event in the Christian faith is described in the book of Acts 2:1-31.
Wear red on May 28 to mark the Holy Spirit’s presence among us!
Holy Week
Palm/Passion Sunday marks our entry into Holy Week. We will wave palms and celebrate Jesus’ entrance in Jerusalem on April 2 followed by a reading of the Passion narrative from the Gospel of Luke. Holy Week will begin on April 6 with Maundy Thursday worship at 7 pm. We will hear the Passion narrative from the Gospel of John for Good Friday worship on April 7 at 7 pm.
Lent 2023
Our theme this Lent is “Unfinished: Discovering God’s Call in the Not Yet.” We are invited to consider the space between no longer and not yet. There are lots of examples from our lives of this space. The space between no longer pre-pandemic life and not yet what will settle into post-pandemic life. The space before and after a medical diagnosis, before and after living with loss, before and after a relationship change, job change, or a move. The space between Ash Wednesday and Easter Sunday.
We are not left alone in this space between no longer and not yet. God is here always – calling us, accompanying us, renewing, and recreating us again and again. This Lent you are invited into the spiritual practice called vocare which will help you discover and embrace various ways that God calls you in everyday life.
This February we’re asking congregation members to help reach out to one another to share God’s love. We’ll deliver bags to congregation members with chocolate and notes of encouragement. You are invited to participate – sign up to help out!
Many thanks to all who made our Advent and Christmas season a memorable one here at Lakeview! We shared a lot of Christmas cheer in 2022 and we give thanks for: